The theme of this Sunday-sized puzzle might be a bit niche for some solvers. Give it a try, and decide for yourself. Spoilers below!

I was a nerdy, pre-adolescent boy when DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS first caught fire. I never had a chance. The hook set deep. I spent countless hours creating entire cities and their populaces. Hatching epic plots that took years to play out. Some of my favorite memories of my teenage years were marathon sessions my friends. Munching junk food. Pushing lead figures around a map. Then, licking our fingers. We didn’t know any better.
I was inspired to create this puzzle after reading an NYT article about the resurgence of the popularity of the game. I wanted to create a story that would be fun and accessible for people who knew little about the game. Coming up with the center gimmick was what sold me on the idea. (Did you notice how those two squares were just a bit darker than the others?) Unfortunately for me, most newspapers don’t have software that can handle writing letters onto blockers. Fortunately for you, Amuse Labs (which generously hosts puzzles of indie constructors for free) can. I hope you were able to fall into the center of the puzzle, and find your way back out again.